This year Little man wanted to have an army guy party, he has been slightly obsessed with anything army/camouflage for a while now. I tried to talk him out of it because I already had one for K a few years ago, and do not like to repeat parties, but he was insistent on it and nothing I came up with was good enough, so army party I planned.
I made little pockets out of paper and put air heads in them for "air raids" I know the kids will not understand it but I thought it was fun. I made the tags in photoshop.
Here is a better look
Here are my "rescue ropes" made out of licorice, I was going to put them in plastic bags and make the topper and then found them individually wrapped and decided to just glue them into the topper instead. The topper was again made in photoshop.
So I found this awesome idea and tutorial HERE and thought how could I NOT make a paper bag pinata? So I ran to the dollar store in search of crepe paper but was only able to find the light green, so I went to hobby lobby and was able to find the dark green, and also the brown paper bag (you can use any bag)
I got to work gluing and folding...two layers of dark green and then one layer of light green. On the back I did not "ruffle" it and just glued it down flat. Then I made my sign in photoshop, printed it out and added a ruffle to the back and glued the whole think on. Filled it with candy and stapled the top closed.
I bought juice boxes and covered them with brown paper(remove the straw before doing this) then let Bricanie decorate them to look like walkie talkies, then taped the straw back on the back to look like an antenna.

Cute party!