I have started working on a few projects that I thought I would share with you. The first one is a monthly baby onesie
I am sure you have seen them floating around all over the internet and pinterest if not here is a picture of what I am talking about.

These ones are from
Wee bit trendy. They make a great gift for a new baby. Each of these circles are stickers and there are many different designs you can buy.
I however thought it would be fun to embroider them. So I started with this
Candy Dots frame from Lynnie Pinnie and here is what I came up with at least for the first month. I am still working on months 2-12
Since I am not using them as a baby gift and they are just for my baby I decided to cheat and embroider the frame and cut it out and then using a glue stick just stick it on the onesie since I am just using them for pictures and she will not be wearing it all day long. Also then I don't have to buy so many onesies.
As I finish the other months I will be sure and post them.
The second project is a binky holder. I have sticthed out two different ones. Both of them are from embproject.com the first one is the
4x4 Diamond strap
It is all done in the hoop and is a quick easy stitch out, The design comes with different style font, I chose the script font. It has a diamond quilting pattern that it stitches out.
The second one is the
Quilted binky holder 5x7
This one is a quick stitch out as well, and has a stippling pattern. Also it has different wording like girl, boy, etc. I wanted it to say a name so I skipped over the step where it stitches out the wording and added my own.
This one seems to be a little big in my opinion but maybe would work for an older baby I will let you know as she gets older, but for now I do not care for this one I do think however that it would be cute to hang on a bag or diaper bag as a bag tag and leave off the clip.
For both designs the way that it is finished in the hoop so that you can turn it right sides out is not my favorite choice as it leaves a little pocket like thing in the back. I will have to take a picture of the back so you can see what I am talking about.